Fredonia/Easton Water Line Replacement


WW Associates was contracted to replace water lines to improve fire flow capacity in a residential neighborhood in the Rivermont area of the City of Lynchburg, Virginia.  The original water lines were reportedly installed in the 1910’s, and consist of a network of 2-inch and 6-inch piping.  Approximately 3,150 linear feet of new 8-inch water line piping

was required to replace the existing water lines along Fredonia and Easton Avenues, as well as Clinton, Marshall, and Zenobia Streets.  New water service line connections are being provided for the new water main back to new water meters located at the street right-of-way.  Project included field survey, design, easement plat preparation, and bidding assistance.  The water line design received a Road, Water, and Sewer (RWS) review as part of the City’s Technical Review Committee (TRC) process.