Regional Water Supply Plan
Local governments are required to establish a local or regional water supply plan that complies with Regulations set forth in 9VAC 25-780. The purpose of the water supply plan is to ensure that adequate and safe drinking water is available, encourage and protect all beneficial uses of the existing water sources, encourage and promote alternative water sources, and promote conservation.
WW Associates was retained to prepare a Regional Water Supply Plan for Caroline County / Town of Bowling Green in accordance with 9VAC 25-780. Plan components include a description of the existing water source, water use and water resource; an assessment of projected water demand, a description of water management actions; a statement of need; map(s) identifying important elements of the program that may include existing water uses and proposed new sources; a copy of the adopted program documents including any local plans or ordinances or amendments that incorporate the local program elements; a resolution approving the plan from each local government that is party to the plan; and a record of the local public hearing, a copy of all written comments, and the submitter’s response to all written comments received.