Water Authority Facility Improvements


WW Associates has been the Consultant of Record for the Appomattox River Water Authority, providing numerous engineering consultant, design and construction management services since the year 2000. Our personnel have worked closely with the Authority on a wide variety of issues and associates projects since the year 1988.  Projects include:

  • Dam safety inspections for sludge lagoon earthfill dam
  • Repairs to the roof of Clearwell No. 2
  • Preparation of Annual Maintenance Inspection Reports.  Reports included onsite inspections relative to the condition of existing facilities in accordance with the Authority’s Bond Trust Agreement. Reports also included preparation of a capital improvements plan that identifies upcoming projects and associated project budgets.
  • Assistance in developing a new 4500-acre water supply reservoir in Amelia County.  Provided aerial mapping of potential reservoir sites.
  • Hypochlorite storage feed facility
  • Chlorine dioxide storage and feed facility